Join a league ASAP! Go for a league that has free entry, with as close to 60 members as possible while also having as high a league power as possible.But don't go much higher than that yet, which I made the mistake of doing! As soon as possible, start betting 100k per spin as long as you have at least 10 million. Some folks use this machine all the way to the end, but I didn't like it as much even with the luck I had. Start on Spin of Fortune and stay there for a while.I would recommend not going over 120k per spin until you start to get a feel for the flow of the algorithm. They rig it so you win a lot in your very first games but that changes quick. So my very first tip would be don't get cocky with your bets too early. While some have had immediate luck, I myself only made it up to 20m from 10m, and then quickly became bankrupt. That being said, I believe it is somewhat rigged. Important note: When you first start the game, you start with 10M coins, and you quickly level up. You will see me suggest some of the same slots, but I decided this post was worth making cause I'm going to add some details on top repeating their info. Don't bet over 1 million tho! Only took me 3-4 days to reach level 90, at which point my 6k SB started pending straight away.įirst off, I definitely owe at least 2/3rd's of my success to the existing threads here in this community which helped me a ton.